Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tiptoe through the tulips (bulbs, that is)

Last week I planted 50 tulip bulbs of various colors in a flower bed in the front yard. I'm hoping that in the spring we will be dazzled by a colorful display of spring flowers. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the squirrels will leave the bulbs alone! The salesperson at Bunton Seeds advised me to plant a mixture of mid-blooming and late-blooming bulbs. So, here's hoping for a beautiful array of tulips during the months of April and May. It will be even better if some are blooming at Derby time.

1 comment:

gdcarmichael said...

Hey Jim,

Just checking out your blog after your great presentation on Thursday. I kept your handout and have enjoyed looking back through it. The wiki part was especially cool--I had no idea they were availble for anyone to create.

- Greg Carmichael